
Revolutionising Business Operations with Purpose-driven focus

Our mission

How do you define your company’s core reason for being, and what is the unique, positive impact on society?

It is imperative to have the right answers to these questions, now more than ever. But how do you bring it to life when everyone is busy, driven by the current growth paradigm?

  • We help you connect purpose with your company’s heart by providing clear, inspiring and actionable goals.
  • With our Partner Transparancy Lab, we use Artificial Intelligence to set SMART targets and co-create a realistic transformation path for your organisation.
  • This AI-based method helps you hit targets 4x faster than any human and free up resources for the transformation
  • Our AI-based WFM Suite optimises your performance and is able to free-up teams that aren’t able to focus on change yet
  • In addition, our experienced Purpose Consultants will help you redefine your purpose and create a strategy that aligns with your stakeholders.

We help organisations make the transformation to a purpose-driven & high-performing organisation.

Purpose Finding

With our Purpose Finding workshops, we translate your purpose into stakeholder pledges and SDG-related measurable actions.

Efficiency Boost

We save money by increasing the
efficiency of your business processes and help to re-invested this in long term sustainability goals of your company. With our and our partner’s unique software, we are able to forecast with 95% accuracy so we can cut out unnecessary waste and save you money.


Orendex makes your organisation future-proof by optimising your positive contribution to your purpose in a result-driven and measurable way without any extra costs. Through our partners’ dashboards, you’ll have real-time insight into how to invest your freed up funds and measure your sustainable impact on people and profit.

Transition Management

We support you in making the transition to a new way of working so that it is supported and felt by all your leaders and employees.

About Orendex

Most of us agree; the current economic paradigm is not sustainable for future generations. Many organisations realise that now is the time to start working in a more sustainable way and make a positive contribution to people and the planet. But where to start?

What if strategic decisions need to be made, and CSR values aren’t considered because cutting costs has the highest priority in your organisation for the coming years? How do you achieve a harmony of values; how to choose between profit and purpose and serve all stakeholders?

Orendex makes it possible to invest in your long-term sustainability goals with the time and money you save by optimising your processes continuously. 

There is no other way to ignite purpose in your organisation than to serve all stakeholders. Orendex is a collaboration between Orenda and StrateX that have this joint mission to help make the transformation to a purpose-driven & high-performing organisation.

Our strength lies in the combination of a human-centric and data-driven approach.

We unlock resources and funding to spend on purpose with Artificial Intelligence tooling, our continuous improvement mindset and extensive knowledge around business processes, supply chains, workforce management, planning & reporting. We then ignite the purpose, engage people, and spread the transformation from team to team.

Unlock New Analysis Methods
with our SMART Tooling

WFM Suite
Our WFM professionals are continuously working in workforce surroundings, and the StrateX WFM Suite is based on their knowledge to help you plan resources precisely when you need it. The suite provides the latest technology and supports your entire process of forecasting, planning, and scheduling.

The academically underpinned SaaS PRAIORITIZE, delivered by our partner Transparency Lab, shows the hidden layers that become visible when you start asking employees factual questions around your transformational journey.

It is hard to calculate your transformation journey with mere opinions. Once you have factual input at your disposal, new avenues for analysis and understanding patterns are unlocked, and the whole Artificial Intelligence toolkit through this ISO certified software platform becomes available. 

Schedule a demo with us now!

Who we are

Why work with us?

We strive for the highest quality of our services, so you can make the transition from profit to purpose in a way that lasts.

This is why we attach great importance to the development of measurable knowledge and results.


For more information

Would you like to know how to work on purpose in your organisation whilst keeping sight of your business targets?

To find out more about our cause and get expert advice on the matter, please email us at info@orendex.nl or call us at +31 85 200 71 93
